
There are only two ways to use async.

  1. async functions
  2. async blocks

Both means return a value that implements the Future trait. The following functions return the same type:

fn main() {
async fn get5() -> u8 {

fn get5() -> impl Future<Output = u8> {
  async { 5 }

async Lifetimes

Unlike regular functions, async functions whose parameters are references or non-'static return a Future which is bounded by the lifetime of the arguments. Meaning, the future returned from an async fn must be .await while its non-'static arguments are still valid.

async move

async move works just like move blocks used with closures.

.awaiting on a Multithreaded Executor

Futures can move freely between threads, so any value used in async stuff must be of a type that is also able to travel between threads (i.e. the type must implement Send).